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Find Your Flow Workbook

I wrote this guide to getting unstuck and rediscovering your creative flow for the writers and artists like me who had read all the writing books and taken the courses and yet couldn’t get to the bottom of why they weren’t able to write regularly and in flow consistently—like would happen sometimes when taking a writing course or when you first get excited about an idea. Since I was fourteen and first started writing fiction and taking writing classes, I’ve been on a journey of finding ways to allow writing stories and making art to be more fun and effortless rather than the difficult slog that it seemed to be for so many writers and teachers I’d encountered. I knew there was a more natural, authentic way of writing or making art, and I was determined to find the right strategy.

Well, I found that strategies and habits could vary so much between artists, and as I wrote essays, stories, and theses, and as I dove deeper into my study of creativity and play, what really became clear to me was all the parts of the process that seemed mysterious and weren’t acknowledged in classrooms at all:

What really matters is your state of being and your relationship to your own imagination, your own spontaneity.

I didn’t need the productivity strategies or to read about someone else’s mindset about the process, I needed a way to navigate the resistance I felt on a moment by moment basis and a way to “trigger” the writing mood within myself so I wouldn’t put it off forever, especially when the conditions didn’t seem right for it! I set about collecting anything that helped me get into that creative headspace and when I couldn’t find it, made up some exercises myself.

After coaching creatives working on everything from plays to dissertations, I came up with some reflection prompts and quick exercises to help myself uncover what feels like the most natural, fun, and intuitive way to create. This workbook is not just a collection of the most important lessons I’ve learned about the deeper creative process that artists and writers don’t often know how to talk about, it is a book of ideas and exercises that help you go within for the answers and to find structure and habits that make sense to you. It’s helped my friends and clients, and I’m certain it will help you too.


What's Included In This Workbook?

110 pages full of exercises and prompts in which I lead you through my very successful process of unlearning self limiting beliefs, entering the creative headspace, and learning to play the inner game of creativity—whatever your medium or project!

  • We'll look at how to effectively unpack and rewrite your old stories about how you express yourself and play to your strengths

  • Why learning to deliberately shift your state of being is the key to creating without tripping over life circumstances that make the work challenging

  • The elements of the creative headspace you can practice everyday in small ways to generate material in the easiest, simplest way

  • The most important and least discussed thing that matters when it comes to maintaining sustainable creative routines

  • Plus you also get a bonus pep talk on how to free-write your first drafts more effortlessly!

© 2023 Shaili Shah | All rights reserved